Red rover: Mission to Mars (Winter 2021 issue of Science@MIT)

Cover of Winter 2021 issue of Science at MIT, Red rover: Mission to Mars: Color has been added to highlight minerals in this image of Jezero Crater on Mars, the landing site for NASA’s Mars 2020 mission. The green color represents minerals called carbonates, which are especially good at preserving fossilized life on Earth. On NASA’s Mars 2020 mission, EAPS Professor Tanja Bosak is the co-leader of a team of 14 Returned Sample scientists from the United States, Canada, and Europe. Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/JHU-APL/Purdue/USGS
To read the full issue of our biannual magazine
Or to read individual articles, please use the links below:
Science News & Events
Tea time with Champions of the Brain Fellows
Breakthroughs in math and physics
Bringing down Mercury
Finding light in the dark
A chemist who plays with space
Elegance in C. elegans
Path of least resistance
For Thomas Searles, a passion for people and science at HBCUs and MIT
Big questions in chemistry
A small way of saying thank you